Attributes (Project Update)
On the Attributes tab of the Project Update page, the project name, sites, and universal project attributes are specified.
- Project Name
- In Production
- In Test Mode there is a checkbox to allow changing from Test Mode to Production Mode
- In Production Mode you cannot change the project to Test Mode unless there are no subjects in the project
- License key (defines the number of subjects that can be in a project)
- Max Enrollment: optionally enter a maximum number of subjects that can be enrolled in the project
This differs than the subjects allowed by the license key which includes all subjects screened
- Sites
- The Sites list displays all sites in the account
- The sites included in the project are indicated with a checkmark
- The Code column displays the Site Code
- The Enrolled column displays the number of subjects enrolled at each site
- The Max Enrollment column can optionally have a value with the maximum enrollment for the site
- Enter/change the project name
- Put the project in production mode
The project should be put in Production Mode only after completion of pilot testing and removal of all test subjects from the project
- Put the project in test mode (only available if no subjects are assigned to the project)
- Enter/update the License Key
The license key determines the maximum number of subjects that can be added to the project. In a project with screening it includes the screen failures and does not limit the number of subjects that can be enrolled
- Enter/update the Max Enrollment: Enter a value if you are screening and there is a maximum number of subjects that can be enrolled into the project
The value cannot exceed the subjects allowed based on the license key
- Select/edit sites associated with the project
Once data is collected for a site it cannot be removed
- Add additional sites through the System Setup main menu item
- If applicable, add a maximum enrollment for each site
The Max Enrollment across all sites cannot exceed the Max Enrollment specified for the project