
This page provides an outline of the most recent release of Studytrax and associated training materials.  

What's New In Release 3.57

There's a ton of new features in this release of Studytrax  The following table provides a description of main new features and links to training videos!   Check out the additional information and screenshots further below. 

What's New!



Training Video


UI Change


A summary of the new Subject Overview page!  All Studytrax pages will be converted over soon (email feedback here).

Watch 3 min.

 ViewsA closer look at the view display options: "Dashboard", "Timeline" and "Details" views. Watch4 min

 SidebarA description of the functions and information displayed in the Sidebar.Watch4 min



A demonstration of creating and using the new query feature. Users can create queries on any form's variable value and leverage reports to manage their resolution. 

Watch 3 min.

Dual Axis Graphs


A demonstration of creating Subject Reports' graphs that utilize a secondary axis!

Watch 1 min.

UI Change - Subject Overview page

Screen Layout

Dashboard View

Toolbar Items

Timeline Settings


Timeline Icon Descriptions



Dual Axis Graphs

Subject Report graphs may contain a secondary y-axis.  Use the Right / Left Axis tabs to indicate which variables are assigned to each axis.


(Iteration 57)