Beta-Tester Program

How to Join?

To participant in the Beta Testing Program, please fill out and return the Disclosure Agreement and forward to

Release Cycle

Typically, there are at least two major releases and two minor releases of StudyTRAX each year. Beta testers can be involved throughout the development process, but most often are involved once internal testing is nearing completion.

Reporting Bugs

The goal in beta testing is two fold: 1) Find any bugs, and 2) Document the steps to reproduce the bugs found. The most important thing for eliminating bugs is documentation that our developers can follow that reliably reproduces the bug. Without being able to know how to reproduce a bug, the ability to fix a bug is serverly happered.

The article, “How To Report a Bugs Effectively” provides a good summary of bug reporting. Below are some recommended guidelines for bug reporting to ensure the most effective communication and resolution of a bug report.


Keys to Bug Reporting

Thank you again for your participation in our Beta program!!