Procedure Contact: Budget Manager
Topic: For the anticipated study, create the associated Setup fees using the Administrative Setup Project.
Step 1: Determine if this study is associated with an existing sponsor in the system, or, if a new sponsor must be created.
Step 2: Create the Study Setup Fees
Topic: Create a Budget for the anticipated study using the Master Budget Template spreadsheet. See Example Budget Spreadsheet
Step #1: Open the latest YYYYMMDD_Master Budget Template.xls spreadsheet, Rename and Save As StudyXXXXXX.xls.
Step #2: Using the StudyXXXXXX.xls spreadsheet, modify (or) remove the number of columns, and rename the intervals(Encounters) per the study.
Step #3: Use a Dark Gray Background Shade and color the rows that are not applicable at any interval in this study.
Step #4: If necessary, adjust the default pricing rates where it makes universal sense . (e.g. if a majority of the prices are different from the default rate, in any one row.) Use a Dark Red Background Shade and color the default pricing rate cells, when a change is applied.
Step #5: Begin adding pricing amounts to each cell where applicable to the budget.
Action: Notify Study Administrator and await notification that StudyTRAX Financial Master has been updated in StudyTRAX.
Step #6: Update Master Budget Template spreadsheet
Procedure Contact: Study Administrator
Topic: Upon receipt of the StudyXXXXXX.xls spreadsheet, Create a new study utilizing the financial component.
Step #1: Click on the projects main menu item at the top of the screen. Determine if Default price rates need to be updated.
Step #2: A new study is created as a copy of the Financial Management Master.
Step #3: Update the pricing of each interval according to the budget.
Step #4: After all intervals are adjusted as necessary, double check your work. When ready, delete the "Invoicing" interval.
Step #5: Review the Unstructured Event Encounter