In terms of functionality, anything that is available in the JavaScript programming language is available for use in Subject Reports. Thus, there is considerable power that can be leveraged by Subject Reports (e.g., automated clinic note generator).
How It's Done
Referencing Variables
To reference a variable value use: <%= #VariableDataExportName %>
If the variable is categorical (e.g., picklist), adding .Name will insert the label associated with the numeric value: <%=#VariableDataExportName.Name %>
If Statement
The if statement is helpful when you only want text to appear under specific conditions
<% if (#VariableName == 0) [ %>Text if true <% \||]else [ %>Text if false <% \||]%>
You can also reference other variable values within the if statement
<% if (#VariableName == 0)
Example Basic Report
Patient Name: <%= #FirstName %> <%=#LastName %>
MRN: <%= #ReferenceId %>
Sex: <%= #sex.Name %>
Dob: <%= #birth %>
Age: <%= ageAsOf(#birth, #EncounterDate) %>
Race: <%= #race.Name %>
Referral Reason:
<%= #FName %> <%= #LName %> is a <%= ageAsOf(#birth, #EncounterDate) %> year old active
<%= #sex.Name %> outpatient <%= #height %> inches tall, weighing <%= #weight %> lbs, who underwent neuropsychological testing on <%= #EncounterDate %> for assessment of Attention Deficit Disorder......
Test Results
Test 1
Section A subscore <%= #section_a_subscore %>
Section B subscore <%= #section_b_subscore %>
Section C subscore <%= #section_c_subscore %>
Where To Place The Code
Typically code blocks (begin and end with <% and %>, respectively) are best placed at the top of the report like this:
var srgiResult;
var beckResult;
if (#cgi_s_sr==1) srgiResult="Normal; not at all ill";
else if (#cgi_s_sr==2) srgiResult="Borderline mentally ill";
else if (#cgi_s_sr==3) srgiResult="Mildly ill";
else if (#cgi_s_sr==4) srgiResult="Moderately ill";
else if (#cgi_s_sr==5) srgiResult="Markedly ill";
if (#bditot>=0 && #bditot<=13) beckResult="Minimal depression";
else if (#bditot<=19) beckResult="Mild depression";
else if (#bditot<=28) beckResult="Moderate depression";
else if (#bditot<=63) beckResult="Severe depression";
var Tcog1 = 0;
var Tcog2 = 0;
var Zcog1 = 0;
var Zcog2 = 0;
Tcog1 = (#cog1) / 2;
Tcog1 = Math.round(Tcog1*100) / 100;
Tcog2 = (#cog2) / 2;
Tcog2 = Math.round(Tcog2*100) / 100;
Zcog1 = (Tcog1 - 50) / 10;
Zcog1 = Math.round(Zcog1*100) / 100;
Zcog2 = (Tcog2 - 50) / 10;
Zcog2 = Math.round(Zcog2*100) / 100;
Patient Name: <%= #FirstName %> <%= #LastName %>
<% Tcog1 %>
Referencing More Than One Encounter
You can display data values from more than one variable by using the ENCOUNTERS method as in the example below which generates a table with values from multiple encounters
Output.Write("<table style=cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' border='1'>");
Output.Write("<tr><th> Encounter Name </th><th> Encounter Date </th> <th> Score 1</th> <th> Score 2</th> <th> Score 3</th> <th> Score 4</th></tr>");
for (var index=0; index < ENCOUNTERS.Count; index++) {
var encounter = ENCOUNTERS.GetEncounter(index);
var encounterName = encounter.#IntervalName;
var encounterDate = encounter.#EncounterDate;
var encounterScore1 = encounter.#score1;
var encounterScore2 = encounter.#score2;
var encounterScore3 = encounter.#score3;
var encounterScore4 = encounter.#score4;
Output.Write("<tr><td>" + encounterName + "</td>");
Output.Write("<td>" + encounterDate + "</td>");
Output.Write("<td>" + encounterScore1 + "</td>");
Output.Write("<td>" + encounterScore2 + "</td>");
Output.Write("<td>" + encounterScore3 + "</td>");
Output.Write("<td>" + encounterScore4 + "</td></tr>");