When setting up Variable Groups and Subject Reports in StudyTRAXStudytrax, there are a number of colors from which to choose. Below are suggested standard colors that show up well.
Preview Pane of Standard Colors
Text (for copy and paste):
Dark blue header: #95b3d7
Light blue single line: #dbe5f1
Light tan, single line: #eeece1
Dark green header: #c3d69b
Light green single line: #ebf1dd
Tan header: #c4bd97
Where to Find the Colors in the Editor
Subject Reports
0 to 10 with Yellow as neutral
#12873d | |
#20af45 | |
#6ac43a | |
#9ae99a | |
#cfe085 | |
#fdeca6 | |
#e9d06e | |
#e99b6a | |
#c74725 | |
#dc3127 | |
#fd0505 |