Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



What’s Needed

Default Used if no information provided

Variable Name

Descriptive Name

Unique code (no spaces/special characters [underscore ok])

Variable Type

Numeric – What is the range (min / max)?  Units?

No range, no unit

Calculation - How calculated? What if missing some values?

All values required for a calculation

Text - How many characters needed?

  • Text variables require a limit (can range from 1 to 255 characters)
  • Memo variables do not have a limit

Unlimited for questions like "Describe", "Comments"

Date – What is acceptable range?

Any valid date can be entered

Document – How many files and how large?

Picklist (Coded list of value/label pairs, such as 0 = Male, 1 = Female).

- What are the values and labels for all options?

- do you want values displayed for data entry?

- Can more than one option be selected?

0=No, 1=Yes

Other lists would start with 0 and increment by 1

Values are not displayed

Only one option can be selected


Exportable – Can values be exported in dataset?


Missing Values – Will value/label pairs are defined as “Missing” (e.g., Missing = -9)? 

No missing value definition set up if not specified

Required - Must a value be entered?


Skip Patterns - When is the variable/form either shown / hidden?Always visible

Target User - Will subjects or staff fill out the form?Staff


A form's spatial and visual layout can be it's most important validation (see examples here).

Connect Forms And Variables

The standard loo

Connect Forms and Variables


Form (CRF/Questionnaire/Measure) Information




What’s Needed




Is the form (or similar form) in another StudyTRAX project?


Formatting and Layout


Will subjects enter the data?  (i.e, need multi-device format)


Does the format / layout matter? (easiest/simplest electronic user-experience)


Describe any special formatting


Skip Patterns

When is the variable/form either shown / hidden?

Example: Skip Pattern logic




Skip logic / condition


Pregnancy Test


Hide form for males


Demographic Data


Show text box if ‘other’ is selected for Race