A good data definition provides a completion complete description of ALL the characteristics associated with a variable, form, or study event. Below are some guidelines for each.
We love your variables and what we need to fully appreciate their goodness is good old "TLV" from you.
Stands for.. | Description | |
T | Type | |
L | Layout and Logic | |
V | Validation |
Mark It UP!!
Don't hold back, mark it up!! You love your variables as much as we do, so go ahead and give each variable on a form good old TLV before sending to us.
Variable Standards and Defaults
Attribute | What’s Needed | Our Default |
Variable Name | Descriptive Name |
| Unique code (no spaces/special characters [underscore ok]) |
Variable Type | Numeric – What is the range (min / max)? Units?
| No range, no unit |
| Calculation - How calculated? What if missing some values?
| All values required for a calculation |
| Text - How many characters needed? | Unlimited for things questions like Describe, Comments
| Date – What is acceptable range? | Any valid date can be entered |
| Document – How many files and how large? |
| Coded list (e.g., 0 = Male…) · What are the values and labels for all options? - do you want values displayed for data entry? · Can more than one option be selected?
| 0=No, 1=Yes Other lists would start with 0 and increment by 1 Values are not displayed Only one option can be selected |
Definition | Export – Can values be exported in dataset? | Exportable |
| Missing Values – Will values be assigned as “Missing” (e.g., Missing = -9)?
| No missing value definition set up if not specified |
Required | Must a value be entered? | Yes |