- PageId - this is the application identifier used to identify a page.
- HelpId - this is the id used to associate a URL in the wiki with a particular part of the application.
- PageId.help - appending ".help" to the pageId will tell the application to associate the URL with the help link for that page.
- PageId.gettingStarted - appending ".gettingStarted" will tell the application to associate the URL with the getting started link for that page.
- Url - this is the relative URL of the wiki page to use for the help page. Basically, this is the name of the page given in the wiki.
- ex: Given a real URL of http://wiki.studytrax.com/display/STX/Example+Page, the Url value should be "Example Page"
- Title - this is the tooltip that will be displayed over the hyperlink to the help page.
- ImageName - this is the application name of the image to use for this link. If this is left blank, it will use the URL for the text of the hyperlink. see Application Help Images for valid values.
- Resolution - This is the resolution in pixels to use for the image. Valid values are: 16, 24, 32, 48