- Delete an interval with encounters entered (but it can be made inactive)
- Change a fixed interval to a non-fixed interval or vice-versa
- Remove a variable group once data is collected on at least one variable that is part of the variable group (but the variable group can be hidden in that interval or made inactive for all intervals)
- Cannot change the change a Baseline interval to a non-baseline interval once data is entered for baseline
- Add/remove the following features from a project
- Randomization
- Screening
- Remove sites in which subjects are enrolled
- Reduce the maximum enrollment below the number of subjects currently enrolled
- Change Sequence by Site for the Project ID Generation once subjects have a generated Project ID
- Delete a medication from the central list once data is entered for the medication
- The following variable attributes:
- Variable name
- Variable description
- Data Entry Prompt
- Answer Suffix
- Variable Code
Tip StudyTRAX will automatically change all references to the variable code
- Variable type between radio button and pick list
- Increase the length of a text variable
- Increase the range of the min/max of a numeric variable (can decrease the min and increase the max)
- The number of lines of text and memo variables
- Add/modify/remove the default value
- The required attribute of a variable
Info This change may affect subjects' completion status
- Active/Inactive
- Exportable/non-exportable
- Pick list option names
- Add pick list options
- Add missing values
- Variable's layout
- Add variables
- Add/change the dependency
- Modify the variable group's layout
- Change the variables' and variable groups' display order
- Change the variable group name
- Change whether the variable group is active
- Change if other project can copy the variable group
- Change any of the layout definitions (e.g., page break, variable numbers)
- Add/modify a numeric calculation variable
Info The value of a numeric calculation is determined at the time of export
- Assign and unassign universal subject variables (as long as the variable is not used in a calculation or dependency)
- Add intervals
- Modify interval name
- Modify interval target length and range
- Add variable groups to an interval
- Add/remove which variable groups are entered by the subject
- Add/modify interval expression
Info This change may affect subjects' completion status
- Add/remove project features, except screening and randomization
- Add/modify/delete subject reports
- Add/modify/delete data sets, filters, workbench reports
- Cannot change Sequence by Site for the Project ID Generation once subjects have a generated Project ID Add/remove which identifying information is used and exportable
- Add/modify medications
- Delete medications that have not been used