Images need to be on a website and can then be added into a Report Template.
Steps to add an image into a report template
- Navigate to the Subject Reports page
- Select the Attributes tab in the left panel
- By default the Design tab the report template section is displayed
- Click on HTML to go to the HTML tab
- Images are entered using an <img> tag, for example: <img src=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13090636/Contact%20Management/ScienceTRAXLogo.gif />
Tip The image should be on a secure server (https) to keep the windows security box from displaying
- Click on the Design tab and the image will be displayed
- The image can be formatted either on the Design tab or the HTML tab
- Design Tab
- Click on the image
- In the bottom right a Properties icon will display
- Click on the properties icon
- The Properties window will display
- Enter/edit the properties
- Click OK
- HTML Tab
- Select the HTML tab
- Add the applicable HTML
- Design Tab
Using an image in skip logic (example)
The following code would be pasted into the Design tab of the report template
if (#image==0) Output.Write("<img src='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13090636/Contact%20Management/StartupSide1.png'>");
else if (#image==1) Output.Write("<img src='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13090636/Contact%20Management/StartupSide2.png'>");
Alternately, the following code could be pasted into the HTML tab of the report template
Info |
This method is more complicated and adding the code directly into the Design tab is recommended |
<%<br />
if (#image==0) Output.Write("<img src='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13090636/Contact%20Management/StartupSide1.png'>"); <br />
<br />
else if (#image==1) Output.Write("<img src='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13090636/Contact%20Management/StartupSide2.png'>"); <br />