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Wiki Markup
h3. Overview

In terms of functionality, anything that is available in the *JavaScript* programming language is available for use in Subject Reports. Thus, there is considerable power that can be leveraged by Subject Reports (e.g., automated clinic note generator).

h3. How It's Done

{color:blue}Referencing Variables{color}
To reference a variable value use: <%= #VariableDataExportName %>

If the variable is categorical (e.g., picklist), adding .Name will insert the label associated with the numeric value: <%=#VariableDataExportName.Name %>

{color:blue}If Statement{color}

The if statement is helpful when you only want text to appear under specific conditions

<% if (#VariableName == 0) { %>Text if true <% } else { %>Text if false <% } %>

You can also reference other variable values within the if statement

<% if (#VariableName == 0) { %> <% =#VariableName2 %> <% } else { %>Text if false <% } %>

{color:blue}Example Basic Report{color}
Patient Name: <%= #FName %> <%=#LName %>
MRN: <%= #RefId %>
Sex: <%= #sex.Name %>
Dob: <%= #birth %>
Age: <%= ageAsOf(#birth, #EncDt) %>
Race: <%= #race.Name %>

Referral Reason:
<%= #FName %> <%= #LName %> is a <%= ageAsOf(#birth, #EncDt) %> year old active
<%= #sex.Name %> outpatient <%= #height %> inches tall, weighing <%= #weight %> lbs, who underwent neuropsychological testing on <%= #EncDt %> for assessment of Attention Deficit Disorder......

Test Results

Test 1
Section A subscore <%= #section_a_subscore %>
Section B subscore <%= #section_b_subscore %>
Section C subscore <%= #section_c_subscore %>
{color:blue}Where To Place The Code{color}

Typically code blocks (begin and end with <% and %>, respectively) are best placed at the top of the report like this:

var srgiResult;
var beckResult;

if (#cgi_s_sr==1) srgiResult="Normal; not at all ill";
else if (#cgi_s_sr==2) srgiResult="Borderline mentally ill";
else if (#cgi_s_sr==3) srgiResult="Mildly ill";
else if (#cgi_s_sr==4) srgiResult="Moderately ill";
else if (#cgi_s_sr==5) srgiResult="Markedly ill";
if (#bditot>=0 && #bditot<=13) beckResult="Minimal depression";
else if (#bditot<=19) beckResult="Mild depression";
else if (#bditot<=28) beckResult="Moderate depression";
else if (#bditot<=63) beckResult="Severe depression";

var Tcog1 = 0;
var Tcog2 = 0;
var Zcog1 = 0;
var Zcog2 = 0;

Tcog1 = (#cog1) / 2;
Tcog1 = Math.round(Tcog1*100) / 100;
Tcog2 = (#cog2) / 2;
Tcog2 = Math.round(Tcog2*100) / 100;

Zcog1 = (Tcog1 - 50) / 10;
Zcog1 = Math.round(Zcog1*100) / 100;
Zcog2 = (Tcog2 - 50) / 10;
Zcog2 = Math.round(Zcog2*100) / 100;


Patient Name: <%= #FName %> <%= #LName %>
<% Tcog1 %>
{color:blue}Referencing More Than One Encounter{color}

You can display data values from more than one variable by using the ENCOUNTERS method as in the example below which generates a table with values from multiple encounters

Output.Write("<table style=cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' border='1'>");
Output.Write("<tr><th> Encounter Name </th><th> Encounter Date </th> <th> Score 1</th> <th> Score 2</th> <th> Score 3</th> <th> Score 4</th></tr>");

for (var index=0; index < ENCOUNTERS.Count; index++) {
&nbsp;&nbsp; var encounter = ENCOUNTERS.GetEncounter(index);
&nbsp;&nbsp; var encounterName = encounter.#IntNm;
&nbsp;&nbsp; var encounterDate = encounter.#EncDt;
&nbsp;&nbsp; var encounterScore1 = encounter.#score1;&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp; var encounterScore2 = encounter.#score2;
&nbsp;&nbsp; var encounterScore3 = encounter.#score3;
&nbsp;&nbsp; var encounterScore4 = encounter.#score4;
&nbsp;&nbsp; Output.Write("<tr><td>" + encounterName + "</td>");
&nbsp;&nbsp; Output.Write("<td>" + encounterDate + "</td>");
&nbsp;&nbsp; Output.Write("<td>" + encounterScore1 + "</td>");
&nbsp;&nbsp; Output.Write("<td>" + encounterScore2 + "</td>");
&nbsp;&nbsp; Output.Write("<td>" + encounterScore3 + "</td>");
&nbsp;&nbsp; Output.Write("<td>" + encounterScore4 + "</td></tr>");