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Complete pilot testing of the project setup prior to putting the project in Production Mode and entering real subjectsData Entry is the most common task in StudyTRAX.  As a part of the user training module, Data Entry examples will be demonstrated by ScienceTRAX support personel, according to the requiremnts of the study design and protocol.

Things To Do


  • Enter data for EVERY encounter and every form
  • Enter data for all subject conditions
    • Enter data for all groups (if grouping is part of the study, e.g. intervention vs. control)
    • Enter data for passing, failing, and staying in screening (if applicable)
    • Enter data relevant for all calculations (e.g. BMI) and check accuracy
  • Test all features enabled for your project (e.g., randomization, double data entry, subject data entry)
  • Run all reports (subject reports and Workbench reports)
  • Keep careful notes on all required changes

Things To Look For



 What to Expect:

  • During the startup process, StudyTRAX support personel will provide standard user-based training per the study requirements and contractual agreements.
  • Test subjects will be entered into the system as a part of pilot testing.